What Is Consumer Arbitration?
Consumer arbitration is a mechanism for resolving disputes between customers and companies. In its contract with consumers, companies mandate that all disputes must be handled in consumer arbitration or small claims court. In many instances, class-action lawsuits are not allowed. The advantage of consumer arbitration is that the process generally moves faster than litigation and can still yeild meaningful results. See our Case Results here. 

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

How Much Does It Cost To Hire Bachuwa Law?
There is no cost to hire Bachuwa Law. Bachuwa Law works on a contingency fee which means that we are only compensated if the case settles or if we prevail in arbitration.

Who Pays The Filing Fees?
Bachuwa Law may advance the consumer's portion of the filing fees (generally $200 to $250) if required. Per most consumer arbitration agreements, the corporation pays for the the remainder of the fees.

When Will You Contact Me? When Will I Hear Back About My Claim?
If we can help and you agree to the terms of representation, we will file your claim promptly. It can take months before we receive an initial response to your claim. We will not contact you until we have meaningful information regarding your claim. Please be patient with the process and realize that our lack of communication does not mean we are not working on your behalf. It just means we have not heard back or nothing significant has happened yet. 

It Has Been Months Since I Signed Up, Why Haven't I Received An Update?
Unfortunately, this process can take many months before anything meaningful happens with your claim. Please do not email us asking for an update. We will contact you when we have an update. Rest assured, we are working hard on your claim despite not hearing from us. 

If I Have A Specific Question About My Claim, How Do I Contact You?
If you have a specific question about your claim, please contact us only through this website. It is the most efficient way to reach us. We will respond to your question in due course.

How Long Until There Is A Resolution?
The length of process varies depending on the complexity of the claim, the willingness of the parties to settle, and the availability of the arbitrator. It could take many months. Bachuwa Law will only contact you when there is a meaningful update or if we need information from you.

Do I Have to Attend the Proceeding?
Most consumer arbitration disputes of this nature are Documents-Only meaning the parties will not have to attend a hearing or appear telephonically. In the event that an appearance is requested or necessary, the client may have to attend or appear on Skype. We will keep you informed of this development as your claim is processed.